Environmental Safety - Environmental Updates

Posted on 22 May 2019

Danieli Fume-Treatment Plant for Nucor Steel Gallatin New Meltshop

The new FTP will ensure compliance with local regulations, with a dust emission at stack of less than 4 mg/Nm3.

Following the order for a new meltshop and QSP conversion supply project, Nucor Steel Gallatin selected Danieli to design, manufacture, and supply the complete fume treatment plant. It will collect the fumes coming from the 170-ton EAF, twin ladle furnace, and other auxiliary suction lines, and treat approx. 3.6 million m3/h (subject to performance guarantee verification).


The FTP will consist of a twin reverse-air baghouse, five ID fans with variable-frequency drives, a complete set of ducts and supporting structures, a pneumatic dust conveying system, a dust collecting system with a movable dust discharging system, and the electrical and automation systems (integrated with meltshop systems.)


The FTP will ensure compliance with local regulations, with a dust emission at stack of less than 4 mg/Nm3 and reduced emissions of CO and NOx as well.