Posted on 20 Dec 2016
worldsteel would like to notify about the hazards of flammable mists and nitrogen asphyxiation in order for the companies to mitigate these hazards and make sure that necessary actions are taken throughout their operations.
Flammable mists
Mists of combustible liquids can be flammable even below flashpoint. Thus hydraulic oil systems, rolling fluids, and lubricating oil systems, even with high flashpoints, can pose a significant fire and/or explosion risk. Controlling the possibility of formation of oil/air mist and control of ignition sources are critical to maintaining safe operations.
Please read more here.
Nitrogen asphyxiation
As 78 percent of the air we breathe is nitrogen gas, many people assume that nitrogen is not harmful. However, nitrogen is safe to breathe only when mixed with the appropriate amount of oxygen. These two gases cannot be detected by the sense of smell. If the concentration of nitrogen is too high and oxygen too low, the body becomes oxygen deprived and asphyxiation occurs.
In industrial settings where a nitrogen-enriched environment is knowingly created to prevent oxidation or reduce the risk of fire, it will present a hazard for people working in the vicinity. Therefore precautions must be taken to ensure that sufficient oxygen is provided to personnel, and oxygen sensors along with other gas sensors should be worn by the individuals.
Please read more in U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Safety Bulletin.