Environmental Safety - Environmental Updates

Posted on 02 Feb 2017

Dioxin abatement system in operation at ABS, Italy

Developed by Danieli Environment and More, controls PCDD-F dioxin emissions below 0,1 ng-TEQ/Nm3 at fume treatment plant.

Installed at the fume treatment plant of ABS steelworks in Italy, the new dioxin abatment system is capable of keeping the PCDD-F values permanently below 0,1 ng-TEQ/Nm3

The installed activated carbon injection system is made out of two storage silos (each of 65m3) with independent dosing units, two injection systems installed on board of each exhaust fume line and automation. It complies with ATEX directives.

The use of adsorbents (e. g. activated carbon, pulverized activated lignite coke or mixtures of these with lime) to be dosed to the exhaust duct before the dust abatement, controls the emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in fumes sampled at the stack.

To predict the adsorbents abatement efficiency, based on the previous adsorption steps, a specific Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis has been performed.

The installation of such dioxin abatment system can be executed on any existing fume treatment plant, on a turnkey basis, in 4 months.

DAS (Dioxin Abatement System), installed at ABS Italy